Turn, Turn

by Nick Perrin  

Age 5 to 9yrs  -  KS1, KS2  -  3 part round  -  (1m 09s)

Download contains:  Piano-vocal score, lyric sheet, mp3 demo & backing tracks


Theme  -  windmills, harvest, seasons


Content  -  This well-written and simple 3-part round is about a windmill, its sails going round, and the stones turning as they grind the grain.  Very effective, easy to teach and ideal for Harvest. 


Lyrics sample - 

Group 1

Turn, turn, the sails go round,

Turn, turn, the sails go round.

Group 2

In the mill the stones turn too.

Group 3

Celebrate! It’s harvest!

Celebrate! It’s harvest time!


This song also features in 'Bumper Harvest' and 'Songs For All Seasons'

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