There's A Baby In The Manger
by Nairne Page
4 to 7 yrs - Early Years, KS1 - unison - (1m 45s)
Download contains: Piano-vocal score, lyric sheet, mp3 demo & backing tracks
Theme – Nativity, stable scene, birth of Jesus, Christmas joy
Content – A gentle, picturesque song to accompany the manger scene. Very sweet, with words that set the scene beautifully.
Lyrics sample -
There’s a baby in the manger,
Jesus is his name.
There’s a baby in the manger,
From heaven he came.
Little mice in the haystack
And owls on the roof,
They want to hear the good news!
High above stars are twinkling.
The moon’s shining bright
Over the stable tonight!
There’s A Baby In The Manger is taken from the musical ‘Little Star’s Story’
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