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The Enormous Turnip

The Enormous Turnip is a funny mini-musical for KS1 and KS2 based on the traditional tale.  It's ideal as part of a literacy project or for World Book Day, but also - with its focus upon how the way food grows in the different seasons - it makes an excellent assembly presentation for Harvest time.

In spring, a man plants some turnip seeds in his garden. One of the turnips grows until it's enormous!  At harvest time, the man can't pull up the turnip by himself. His wife comes to help, followed by a boy, a girl, a dog and a cat... It's only when a mouse provides its tiny bit of extra strength that they finally manage to yank the enormous turnip out of the ground. Everyone enjoys a delicious harvest supper!

Author: Nick Perrin

Age guide: 6 to 9

Running time: 15 mins

No. of songs: 5, plus a dance

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