Beneath The Stars
By Gavin Reid
7 to 13 yrs - KS2, KS3 - optional harmony (3m 20s)
Download contains: Piano-vocal score, lyric sheet, mp3 demo & backing tracks
Theme - Christmas, Carol concerts, Nativity, Jesus, worship, praise, faith
Content - Lyrical and worshipful, 'Beneath The Stars' is ideal to sing at Christmas, making a perfect addition to carol concert repertoire. The easy harmony parts make this song a very effective performance piece for school or church choir.
Lyrics sample
In the silent, still of this night
By this lamp gently glowing;
This child somehow knowing
was promised to be;
Meek and gentle is He.
In this moment God keeps His Word
Father now and forever;
So we now may never be lost or alone,
For this child is our home.
Raise up your heart
To God in the highest!
This baby so heaven blessed
Is born to this world’s unrest.
Beneath the stars,
He is the holy child.
Call His name Jesus! Alleluia!
'Beneath The Stars' features in the cantata 'Bells Ring Out'
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