Assemblies Alive KS2
Not only is this a set of fifteen ready-made assemblies for Key Stage Two, it's also an excellent songbook in its own right, containing 15 excellent songs that may be used for general singing. It also contains 15 great stories for reading aloud and PSHE. A truly multi-purpose resource.
Each age-appropriate assembly contains 1) a story, 2) a song and 3) discussion/reflection points - all written to complement each other. An immense amount of thought and skill has gone into every aspect of this package, to make it inclusive, relevant and interesting. The response from schools has been exceptional, so 'Assemblies Alive' comes highly recommended. Links with SEAL and PSHE themes are included in the book.
Author: Starshine Writers
Age guide: 7-11
Running time: n/a
No. of songs: 15
SPECIAL OFFER: Buy 'Assemblies Alive KS1' & 'Assemblies Alive KS2' together for just £45.00 (see below)
"Assemblies Alive is extremely user-friendly. As someone who at times takes 2 - 3 assemblies a week, I can really appreciate the fact that this is a high-quality resource which I can just 'pick up and go'." ~ Tracey Clarke, Deputy Head, Cornwall
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